Want an all-in-one automated system that is

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For FREE?!

YES, JULI! I Want To Try The


Get the Automated All-In-One Marketing System to grow your business faster

Billed Monthly. No Commitment.

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90-Day Success Guarantee

I am so confident in the power of the Red Hot Lead Machine that if you don't see significant improvements in your business within 90 days,

we'll give you your money back.

No questions asked.

Built FOR You For $1800

Then Only $300/month

Get My Fully Automated All-In-One System AND...

  • Ready-To-Use All-In-One Automated System: Earn income immediately.

  • 1:1 Personalized Setup & Training Call: Tailored specifically to your business needs.

  • Automated Lead Scoring Pipeline: Know when your leads are Cold, Warm, Hot, or On Fire.

  • Centralized Customer Relationship Manager (CRM): Manage all your clients in one place.

  • Unlimited Funnels & Websites: Create as many as you need for your business.

  • 1000+ Professionally Designed Funnel & Website Templates: Start with stunning designs.

  • Unlimited Booking Calendars: Schedule with ease.

  • Unlimited Membership and Course Creator: Build and sell courses effortlessly.

  • Unlimited Customer Messaging: Stay in touch with all your clients.

  • Unlimited Automations & Workflows: Automate your business processes seamlessly.

  • Unlimited 24/7 LIVE Human Tech Support: Get help whenever you need it.

  • Free Texts & Phone Calls Every Month: Communicate without extra costs.


  • High Proximity to Juli with Weekly Office Hours: Direct access to Juli for guidance and support.

  • Conversion Optimization Analysis: Expert analysis of your funnels to maximize conversions.

  • Business Automation Training: Learn how to automate your business so it works for you while you're at the pool, gym, or relaxing with your family.

  • You get you cancel countless subscriptions - the Red Hot Lead Machine will literally PAY FOR ITSELF!!

Get Started Today!!!

As Seen on


"THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I can say assuredly, I'm now finding more ideal clients than I ever have before. Sometimes you find a gem… and I feel like I struck a diamond mine with you as a business building partner."

Theresa French

Sell Mark Sales

"I’ve hired lots of help in the past. You are literally the first ever human who I feel like actually cares and invests energy to create actionable solutions.

YOU ARE SO THOROUGH! I love how your mind works, and really appreciate how you apply your genius to my unique situation.

You are amazing, intuitive, insightful, patient, caring, committed.

A dream partner!"

Nicolette Moore

First Class Agency

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I get with the Red Hot Lead Machine?

The dream outcome is a business that's running like a well-oiled machine, where marketing and lead generation are fully automated. You'll see a significant increase in high-quality leads, improved client management, and more time to focus on growing your business and enjoying your personal life. It's about having a system in place that works for you, giving you the freedom and efficiency you've always wanted.

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How likely will I be able to streamline my business?

With the personalized setup, VIP onboarding, and continuous support, you'll have everything you need to succeed. Plus, the 90-day success guarantee ensures that you're covered. The combination of tailored solutions and hands-on guidance means you’re set up for real, measurable success.

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How long will it take to see improvement in my business?

You’ll start seeing significant improvements within 90 days. The onboarding process is fast and efficient, and once you have access to all the tools and resources, you can begin automating and optimizing your business processes almost immediately. It’s designed to get you results fast.

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How much effort is required on my part?

The effort on your part is minimal because we handle the heavy lifting. You'll need to participate in the initial VIP onboarding call and engage in the weekly office hours for ongoing support. Implementing the pre-built workflows and resources is straightforward. Essentially, you focus on the strategic aspects of your business while we take care of the technical setup.

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What kind of support is provided?

With the Red Hot Lead Machine, you get top-notch support to make sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently. We start with personalized onboarding, where an expert works with you one-on-one to tailor everything to your business needs. We make it easy for you, so you don’t have to worry about the technical stuff.

There’s continuous support too, with weekly office hours where you can get direct guidance and answers to any questions you might have. Plus, you have access to a VIP community where you can connect with like-minded professionals for ongoing support and ideas.

In addition, we include ongoing training for you and your team to help you further enhance your automations and free up your time. This training ensures that you can make the most out of the Red Hot Lead Machine.

And if you ever have urgent needs, our 24/7 priority HUMAN support ensures you get quick responses. You also get a dedicated account manager for any specific issues or questions.

As you can tell, we are really big on providing the support you need to feel completely confident and comfortable to grow your business. This comprehensive support system means you’re never left on your own, and you can focus on growing your business with confidence.

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Reach your full potential

with your business

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